About Us
The District Grand Lodge of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands is comprised of twenty five (25) Craft Lodges and thirteen (13) Royal Arch Chapters. The oldest active Lodge in the District is the Royal Lodge #207. It has been meeting continuously since 1789. Jamaica was originally a Province from at least 1742 and was renamed a District in 1865.
We have had a rich heritage of strong Provincial and District Grand Masters over the years including R.W. Bro. The Hon. Sir John Pringle, R.W. Bro. Thomas Howard, Earl of Effingham, Governor of Jamaica, R.W. Bro. The Hon. William Blake, Speaker of the House of Assembly, R.W. Bro. Admiral Sir Peter Parker and R.W. Bro. Dr. Robert Hamilton. More recently the District has been headed by R.W. Bro. Afeef A. Lazarus, R.W. Bro. Walter H. Scott and R.W. Bro. Dwight Reece. The current District Grand Master is R.W. Bro. Thomas C. Smith.
We continue to embrace the spirit of a more open approach to Freemasonry and invite you to browse our website at your leisure. You will find that Freemasonry is an open society, proudly and publicly tracing its heritage back hundreds of years. We take good men and make them better. Freemasonry is a life-long commitment to improving the individual, and by extension therefore, the environment and communities in which we all live.